Newsletter Q4 2011

As we enter a new year, we thank you for your patience through these difficult times. We are a few years into the post-crash recovery.  While it is a tepid recovery at best, this low degree makes some sense.  Through debt, our country and several others have tested and explored the limitations of leverage and the accompanying foolish products and practices that supported the markets’ latest mutual hallucination.  In borrowing from future generations, and by bringing that prosperity into the present, we owe some repayment – and a low growth world for some time would be a lucky result…

Newsletter Q3 2011

We expect the elevated volatility may be with us for a while – with European debt crisis, economic recession fears and the Washington D.C. stalemate and Presidential Election results.  Although this will be unsettling, we believe that this will provide us with attractive investment opportunities…

Newsletter Q2 2011

We recommend staying committed to your long-term strategy and if appropriate gradually increasing your equity allocation.  If the market pulls back further from these levels, we would accelerate the process in a disciplined manner…

Newsletter Q1 2011

Markets rarely make tops in times of negativity but in times of euphoria…

Newsletter Q4 2010

Global equities finished 2010 on a very strong note led by US stocks which generally outperformed international stocks for both the quarter and the year. US mid cap and small cap stocks outpaced large cap stocks for the quarter and year…

Newsletter Q3 2010

We believe this is an opportunity to own stocks at levels that have not been seen since the early 1980’s and any market dip should be used as a buying opportunity…

Newsletter Q2 2010

Is this a repeat of 2008? We don’t think so! This is a time to increase equities…

Newsletter Q1 2010

Investment Perspective – A Look Back at 2009…